
Essentials 1: Belong (Cantonese)-Jun 2024-In Person

地點:教會地庫A-A1 (The Hub)

受造,原是回應召命 拓展神國、榮耀神。城北華基的「銳意門徒訓練路徑」和「門徒進階」入門課程,是同行互勉的旅程,一起認識教會的核心價值和方向、一起探索召命、一起實踐召命、一起將榮耀歸給神。誠邀大家一起展開旅程、一起經歷神。
重新得力活出召命 ,就要首先清楚城北華基的方向,明白成為會員的意思,並且掌握歸屬團契 / 小組的意義。

如有查詢,歡迎聯絡「門徒進階」團隊 (essentials.mail@rhccc.ca)

Essentials 1: Belong (English)- June 2024-IN PERSON

Date: June 2 (Sunday) 
Time: 1:30-4:30 PM 
Venue: Church 2nd floor – Resource Center  
Registration Deadline:30th May 
We are created for a call. We are called for a mission. We have a mission for God's Kingdom and glory. RH's intentional discipleship pathway (IDP) and Essential classes are an invitation and a journey to learn about RH's core values and direction, explore our calling, exercise our calling and to extol our missional God. Let's join this journey and experience God together.
This class is where we will get RE-ENERGIZED and refreshed as to why RHCCC exists, what mission it would fulfill, why and what it takes to be a member, and why we should BELONG to a small group.   
Please note that the pre-requisites for this class are to be baptized AND have been attending RHCCC for at least 6 months. 
Please contact our Essentials Team (essentials.mail@rhccc.ca) if you have any query.

Hsu Steve

⾨徒進階 ( ⼀):歸屬 (粵語)- Mar 2024-面授課程

地點:教會地庫A-A1 (The Hub)

受造,原是回應召命 拓展神國、榮耀神。城北華基的「銳意門徒訓練路徑」和「門徒進階」入門課程,是同行互勉的旅程,一起認識教會的核心價值和方向、一起探索召命、一起實踐召命、一起將榮耀歸給神。誠邀大家一起展開旅程、一起經歷神。
重新得力活出召命 ,就要首先清楚城北華基的方向,明白成為會員的意思,並且掌握歸屬團契 / 小組的意義。

如有查詢,歡迎聯絡「門徒進階」團隊 (essentials.mail@rhccc.ca)

Fung-Wong SophiaKwok Ambrose

Essentials 1: Belong (English)-Mar 2024-In Person

Date: Mar 17 (Sunday) 

Time: 1:30-4:30 PM 

Venue: Resource Center

Registration Deadline: Mar 14 

We are created for a call. We are called for a mission. We have a mission for God's Kingdom and glory. RH's intentional discipleship pathway (IDP) and Essential classes are an invitation and a journey to learn about RH's core values and direction, explore our calling, exercise our calling and to extol our missional God. Let's join this journey and experience God together.

This class is where we will get RE-ENERGIZED and refreshed as to why RHCCC exists, what mission it would fulfill, why and what it takes to be a member, and why we should BELONG to a small group.   

Please note that the pre-requisites for this class are to be baptized AND have been attending RHCCC for at least 6 months. 

Please contact our Essentials Team (essentials.mail@rhccc.ca) if you have any query.


Essentials / 門徒進階(一):歸屬 (國語)-Mar 2024-面授課程

上課日期:3月21 (週四

「門徒進階 ():歸屬」入門課程於225日開始接受報名。要重新得力,活出召命,就要首先清楚城北華基的方向,明白成為會員的意思,並且掌握歸屬團契 / 小組的意義。
如有查詢,歡迎聯絡「門徒進階」團隊 (essentials.mail@rhccc.ca)

Chen Anna

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